International Symposium. "The biology of meiosis: implications for fertility and genetic disorders"

Inicio / Agenda / International Symposium. "The biology of meiosis: implications for ferti...


/ Horario
  • Del día 04-06-2015 al día 05-06-2015 de 09:00h a 22:00h

  • Lugar
    Instituto de Biología Funcional y Genómica (IBFG) - C/ Zacarías González, 2
    Instituto de Biología Funcional y Genómica (IBFG) y la Fundación Ramón Areces

    Meiosis is the specialized cell division that produces haploid gametes in sexually reproducing organisms in order to restore species diploidy after fertilization. To haploidize the genome, the meiotic division accommodates two rounds of chromosome segregation preceded by only one round of DNA replication. This complex process is controlled by a great number of genes and proteins that are interrelated throughout a strict regulation system. Mutations in many of these genes result in the production of defective gametes or even full sterility. For instance, meiotic alterations are responsible for human congenital disorders, such as Down’s syndrome and other aneuploidies underlying spontaneous abortions, as well as mental and developmental defects in humans. Meiosis impacts not only on health, but also on genetic improvement of vegetable crops, animal breeding and genome evolution. On the other hand, some of the genes involved in meiosis also function in DNA repair processes and cell cycle control in somatic cells. Hence, mutations in such genes are linked to different types of cancer and other disorders.

    This meeting will bring together leading scientists from around the world to discuss the latest findings in the meiotic field and the implications for human fertility with a multidisciplinary scope. Interaction between invited speakers and registered attendees submitting abstracts will be promoted.

    Pedro A. San-Segundo
    Teléfono: 923 29 46 79