2nd Conference of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies. II Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores en Estudios Anglófonos

Inicio / Agenda / 2nd Conference of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies. II Jornadas de Jóv...


/ Horario
  • Del día 07-10-2011 al día 08-10-2011 de 09:00h a 22:00h

  • Lugar
    Facultad de Filología
    Departamento de Filología Inglesa - ASYRAS (Association of Young Researches on Anglophone Studies)

    “Research Challenges for Anglophone Studies in the 21st Century”
    ASYRAS (Association of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies), together with the English Department of the University of Salamanca, is pleased to announce the 2nd Conference of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies that will be held in Salamanca in October 2011. This follows on from the first successful ASYRAS conference which was organised at the University of Salamanca in 2009. Again, it is our aim to promote, give diffusion and favour the exchange of research done by young scholars on the different fields of Anglophone Studies (literature, culture, linguistics, translation studies, etc).

    María Jesús Fernández Gil (coordinadora del congreso)
    Teléfono: 923 29 45 00, ext. 1752
    Fax: 923 29 45 68
    Correo: asyras@gmail.com